Improving the quality of life while respecting the environment.
To reduce waste and make our homes more comfortable, innovative materials, technologies and solutions are now available that allow you to save on bills and live better at home.
Low-impact heating and electrical systems, water cooling and the use of renewable energy with increasingly intelligent appliances are on the agenda.
So why not apply technology to environmental sustainability and to saving a precious commodity such as water?
Also for this aspect, the house of the future has already been here for some years. It's just a matter of changing our habits like drinking bottled water.
This is a habit that hides very negative effects on the climate and the environment.
Just think of the costs of transporting it and the polluting impact of the trucks used for this purpose. Not to mention the millions of roughly stored plastic bottles that, once used, are not recycled, thus fueling global pollution.
Consider that every 5 days, an Italian produces on average 1 kilogram of plastic waste. Much… too much. Especially given the fact that on a European scale 40% of plastic is lost and not sent for recycling.
One of the biggest defendants in the current situation is bottled water.
Imagine that in Europe 46 billion bottles are consumed every year, with the sad record assigned to Italy. All just for a very expensive habit.
In this sense, resorting to a better use of tap water is the first important step towards a more virtuous use of the planet's resources.
Often, however, we do not trust to drink it, perhaps because it comes with a not very pleasant taste. Most often due to the chlorine used for disinfection, in which case, since chlorine is a volatile element, it would be enough to let it air for half an hour in a jug before consuming it and the taste would improve. It can also happen that it's not just the bad taste that is the problem.
The water service management company is responsible for ensuring the quality of the water up to the meter, after which it is the responsibility of the landlord or condominium to ensure that the final pipes are in good condition, so as not to alter the quality of water. It would therefore be good practice to inquire and check the condition of the pipes in your home, and if necessary, intervene with domestic filtration systems.
To offer a current and far-sighted answer to these questions was thought by BEWEE, a company that designs and manufactures its purification and dispensing systems entirely in Italy.
L’attenzione al gusto, all’ ottimizzazione delle risorse idriche e ai consumi, fanno dei purificatori CLIK il nuovo elettrodomestico per una casa smart, attenta alla sostenibilità, al risparmio e al confort di chi la vive.
Belli da vedere e con possibilità filtranti che vanno dalla microfiltrazione all’osmosi, passando dalla ottima ultrafiltrazione, sono in grado di conferire all’acqua le caratteristiche che più si adattano al vostro gusto.
Temperatura ambiente, fresca, liscia o gasata, i purificatori CLIK sono disponibili con la configurazione che più si adatta alle vostre esigenze in quanto sono gli unici sul mercato ad essere modulari.
È infatti possibile acquistare il modulo per una filtrazione a scelta e successivamente unire a questa, il modulo per la gasatura per giungere al tipo di acqua che più si adatta alle vostre esigenze.
I purificatori d’acqua CLIK sono totalmente compatibili con i principali Assistenti vocali presenti sul mercato.